Tuesday 29 April 2014

Take Care of your feet this Summer

We all know that our feet become dry and cracky during summers due to dryness so its necessary to take care of your feet.We just need to take out total 10-15 minutes daily to make your feet neat, soft and healthy.

In the morning after shower put mild cold cream and mix it with sunscreen if your are going out.

In the evening or night, after coming back home from office or outing don't forget to wash your feet daily when u wash your hand and face as feet get dirty the most(if your are not wearing shoes) and taking care of feet is important as it is a part of our body. After cleaning you can put cold cream or you can use Body shop peppermint foot cream. i am also using this product and it shows very good result and it's perfect to use in summer season because you will not feel any greasy stuff on your foot and it makes your feet very soft.

Do twice a week :

1. Add soap form or shampoo or any foot cleaning solution to a tub filled with warm water. 
2. Soak your feet in this warm water for 5-10 minutes.
2. Clean your nails dirt with brush and rub your feet with pubic stone.
3. Dry your feet well with soft towel, don't rub to hard.
4. Use any scrub or specific foot scrub (i use  the body shop peppermint foot scrub) to scrub your feet for 2-3 minutes then wash your feet.
5. Now massage your feet for 2-3 minutes with any foot massaging cream or your can use cold cream with olive oil/coconut oil.
6. wash your feet and dry it well and apply softly any foot cream or any cold cream.

This way you can keep your feet look neat,clean, healthy, soft and attractive.
Many people just check out girls from feet so for girls its necessary to keep your feet look nice.